Saturday, 17 May 2014

Applications for Admission into Higher Education Institutions for academic year 2014/2015 in Tanzania

Tanzania Commission for Universities

Applications for Admission into Higher Education

Institutions through the Central Admission System (CAS)

for academic year 2014/2015

Tanzania  Commission  for  Universities  (TCU)  in  collaboration  with  National
Council  for  Technical  Education  (NACTE)  hereby  inform  all  prospective
applicants who completed their studies from 1988 to 2013 that, they will start
lodging their applications for admission into higher education institutions for
the  2014/2015  academic  year  through  the  Central  Admission  System  on
Thursday, 24th April 2014.

The application through CAS will involve:

a)  Form  Six  applicants  who  completed  form  four  from  the  year  1988  to
b)  Applicants with Diploma in teacher education who completed in 1988 to
c)  Applicants  with  Full  Technician  Certificates  (FTC)  who  completed  in
1988 to 2013;
d)  Applicants  who  completed  their  Ordinary  Diploma  in  technical
education (NTA Level 6) in 1988 to 2013;
e)  All  applicants  with  other  diplomas  (non-NTA  level  6)  from  Tanzanian
institutions recognized by TCU/NACTE;
f)  All  applicants  with  diplomas  from  outside  Tanzania  which  have  been
recognized by TCU/NACTE.
g)  Applicants with foreign certificates who completed their advanced level
certificates between 1988 and 2013.

1.0.  Minimum  entry  qualifications  for  Admission  into  Higher  Education

Institutions (HEIs).

The minimum entry requirements set by TCU and NACTE to join HEIs are as
a)  For  F.6  applicants  the  minimum  entry  qualification  is  two  principal
passes in A-Level with a  total of 2.0 points  (Using Old Grading System)
and three credits at ‘O’ Level.
b)  For the Diploma applicants the minimum entry qualification is at least
Four O level passes (D’s and above) or NVA level III with less than four
O  level  passes  or  equivalent  foreign  qualifications  as  established  by
either NECTA or VETA;
i)  Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6) with at least GPA of 2.7; or
ii)  Full  Technician  Certificate  (FTC)  with  at  least  points  average  of  2.7
(where A=5, B=4,C=3 and D=2 points for Old Grading System); or
iii)  Diploma in Teacher Education with an average of ‘C’ grade; or
iv)  Health related awards such as Clinical Medicine and others with average
of ‘B’ grade; or
v)  Credit class diploma for classified diplomas and certificates in terms of
‘distinctions, credit or pass’ or
vi)  Lower Second Class diploma for classified non-NTA diplomas; or
vii)  Average of ‘B’ grade or lower second class in recognized pre-entry
programme  offered  by  technical  institutions  accredited  by  NACTE  for
both  A-level  and  Diploma  holders  with  lower  than  minimum  entry

2.0 How to apply

i)  All applicants will apply through the Central Admissions System which
is  available  on  TCU  and  NACTE  websites:  and
ii)  Applicants  will  be  required  to  choose  3-5  programme  choices  with
maximum  of  two  programme  choices  from  one  institution  basing  on
programme  requirements  given  in  the  ‘Admissions  Guidebook  for
Higher Education Institutions’ available on TCU and NACTE websites.
iii)  All  applicants  are  advised  to  follow  the  stages  for  registration  and
application carefully to avoid any inconveniences.

3.0 Mode of payment

Category A: 

The payments for the following applicants will be done through NBC bank:
i)  Form six applicants,
ii)  Applicants with Foreign O-level and/or A-level certificates,
iii)  Applicants with RPL qualifications.

a) Application fee for category A

i)  Tanzanians will be required to pay a non-refundable application fee of
TSHS.50,000/- payable through NBC branches country wide,
ii)  Non-Tanzanians  will  be  required  to  pay  a  non-refundable  application
fee of US$60 through CAS Account at any NBC bank countrywide (TCU CAS Acc. No.074139000021), and
iii)  Non-Tanzanians  residing  outside  Tanzania  will  be  required  to  pay
US$60 through CAS account number (TCU-CAS Acc.No.074139000021).
The swift code: NLCBTZTX.

b) Clarification on the payment process for category A.

i)  After  paying  a  non-refundable  fee  of  TSH.  50,000/-,  Tanzanian
applicants  will  be  given  scratch  cards  (Application  Vouchers)  by  the
respective NBC Branch where the payment has been made that they will
use to register through CAS.
ii)  After  paying  a  non-refundable  fee  of  US$60,  Non-  Tanzanians  residing
inside and outside Tanzania should EITHER submit physically proof of
payment  to  TCU  OR  send  through  email:; or Fax Number: +255-22-2772891 to enable TCU to send
them  Voucher  Numbers.  They  must  also  attach  their  valid  personal
emails or mobile numbers for communication purpose.

Category B: will involve the following:- 

i) Applicants with NTA level 6 qualifications,
ii) Applicants with Diploma in Teacher Education,
iii) Applicants with FTC qualifications,
iv) Applicants with other diploma qualifications.

This category will be required to pay an application fee through M-Pesa by
following the steps below:-
1. dial *150*00#
2. Select 4. (payments)
3. Select 4. Enter business number
4. Enter the business number now, (please enter 607070)
5. Enter reference No. ( please enter 1234)
6. Enter Amount (please enter amount of application fee required)
7. Enter PIN
8. Press 1 to Confirm

Application fee for category B

All applicants will be required to pay no refundable application fee of Tshs
50,000 through M-Pesa.

1.  Applicants are advised to read carefully the admission requirements of
each  programme  they  anticipate  to  apply  in  the  guidebook  before
finalizing application process in order to avoid problems that may arise
due to failure to follow appropriate instructions.
2.  Holders of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Examination who do not
have  at  least  two  ‘E’  in  their  A  level  results  and  at  least  three  credits
(three ‘C’) in form four results, and Diploma holders who do not have at
least a GPA of 2.7 or average of B or Credit they are advised not to apply
or pay application fee as they do not  meet the minimum requirements
to  be  enrolled  in  any  degree  programme  offered  by  higher  learning
3.  Applicants  with  foreign  certificates  will  be  required  to  submit  their
certificates  to  National  Examination  Council  of  Tanzania  (NECTA)  for
equivalence.  To  download  equivalence  form  visit:
 Before  lodging  applications, applicants  with  foreign  certificates  are  required  to  submit  to  TCU  the following documents for verification purpose:
i)  Certified copy (copies) of equivalence letter obtained from NECTA;
ii)  Certified  copy (copies) of  secondary school certificate obtained outside
Tanzania or different from NECTA education system;
iii)  A copy of local secondary education certificate obtained from Tanzania
(if any).
NB. The documents can be submitted to TCU physically or by email or by post.
4.  Applicants  are  advised  to  keep  in  safe  place  their  cards  and
confirmation  number  for  M-PESA  payment  for  future  reference  and
payment verification.
5.  Applicants  are  advised  to  use  the  revised  edition  of  the  Admissions’
Guidebook  which  is  available  on  TCU  and  NACTE  websites: and

4.0 Queries

Applicants  are  informed  that  in  case  of  any  problem  concerning  application
process they should contact TCU or NACTE as follow:
1.  All applicants under  category A  (Form six, foreign certificates and RPL
certificates) should contact TCU through:
The Executive Secretary,
Tanzania Commission for Universities,
 P O Box 6562, Dar es Salaam
Tel: +255 22 2772657;
 Fax: +255 22 2772891;
Email: or
Mobile  Numbers:  +255  757  593868;  +255  757  594087;  +255  656
596822   and +255 682 544832
Physical  address:  Garden  Road,  Mikocheni  Area,  Dar  es  Salaam.

2.  All  applicants  under  category  B  (NTA  level  6,  Diploma  in  Teacher
Education, FTC and other diplomas should contact NACTE through:
The Executive Secretary,
National Council for Technical Education,
 P.O. Box 7109, Dar es Salaam 
Tel: +255 22 2780077 and +255 22 2780312;
 Fax: +255 22 2780060;
Email: or
Mobile Numbers: +255 767 129132 and +255 767 129134
Physical  address:  Mikocheni  Light  Industrial  Area,  Adjacent  to  the
Institute of Tax Administration, Dar es Salaam

5.0 Deadline for application

The  deadline  for  applications  for  all  applicants  who  completed  their  studies
from 1988 to 2013 will be on 31st August 2014.

Issued by:
Executive Secretary
23rd April 2014


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