Monday 16 June 2014

Regulations for 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil "12 June to 13 July 2014"

Laws of the Game

1.All matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game in force at the time of the competition and as laid down by the International  Football Association Board. In the case of any discrepancy in the interpretation  of the Laws of the Game, the English version shall be authoritative.

2.Each match shall last 90 minutes, comprising two periods of 45 minutes, with a half-time interval of 15 minutes.

3.If, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, extra time is to be played as the result of  a draw at the end of normal playing time, it shall always consist of two periods of 15 minutes each, with an interval of five minutes at the end of normal playing time, but not between the two periods of extra time.

4.If the score is still level after extra time, penalty kicks shall be taken to determine the winner in accordance with the procedure described in the Laws of the Game.


Disciplinary matters

1.Disciplinary incidents are dealt with in compliance with the FIFA Disciplinary Code in force and all relevant circulars and directives, with which the participating member associations undertake to comply.

2.FIFA may introduce new disciplinary rules and sanctions for the duration of the final competition. Such rules shall be communicated to the participating member associations one month before the first match of the final competition at the latest.

3.In addition, the players agree in particular to:
a)respect the spirit of fair play, non-violence and the authority of the match officials;
b)behave accordingly;
c)refrain from doping as defined by the FIFA Anti-Doping Regulations as well as to accept all other relevant FIFA regulations, circulars and directives.

4.The participating member associations and their Team Delegation Members
shall comply with the FIFA Statutes, the FIFA Disciplinary Code and the FIFA Code
of Ethics, in particular in matters regarding the fight against discrimination, racism
and match-fixing activities.



1.For the purpose of these Regulations, protests are objections of any kind related to events or matters that have a direct effect on matches organised in the preliminary and final competitions of the 2014 FIFA World Cup™, including but not limited to the state of and markings on the pitch, accessory match equipment, eligibility of players, stadium installations and footballs.

2.Unless otherwise stipulated in this article, protests shall be submitted in writing to the FIFA match commissioner or the FIFA general coordinator within two hours of the match in question and followed up immediately with a full written report, including a copy of the original protest, to be sent in writing and by registered letter to the FIFA general secretariat within 24 hours of the end of the match, otherwise they shall be disregarded.

3.Protests regarding the eligibility of players nominated for matches in the preliminary competition shall be submitted in writing to the match commissioner within one hour of the match in question and followed up immediately with a full written report, including a copy of the original protest, to be sent in writing and by registered letter to the FIFA general secretariat. Protests regarding the eligibility of players nominated for matches in the final competition shall be submitted in writing to the FIFA general secretariat no later than five days before the opening match.

4.Protests regarding the state of the pitch, its surroundings, markings or accessory items (e.g. goals, flagposts or footballs) shall be made in writing to the referee before the start of the match by the head of delegation of the team lodging the protest. If the pitch’s playing surface becomes unplayable during a match, the captain of the protesting team shall immediately lodge a protest with the referee in the presence of the captain of the opposing team. The protests shall be confirmed in writing to the FIFA general secretariat during the preliminary competition and during the final competition by the head of the team delegation no later than two hours after the match.

5.Protests against any incidents that occur during the course of a match shall be made to the referee by the team captain immediately after the disputed incident and before play has resumed, in the presence of the captain of the opposing team. The protest shall be confirmed in writing to the FIFA match commissioner or FIFA general coordinator by the head of the team delegation no later than two hours after the match.

6.No protests may be made about the referee’s decisions regarding facts connected with play. Such decisions are final and not subject to appeal, unless otherwise stipulated in the FIFA Disciplinary Code.

7.If an unfounded or irresponsible protest is lodged, the FIFA Disciplinary Committee may impose a fine.

8.If any of the formal conditions of a protest as set out in these Regulations is not met, such protest shall be disregarded by the competent body. Once the final match of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ has ended, any protests described in this article shall be disregarded.

9.The FIFA Organising Committee shall pass decisions on any protests lodged, subject to the exceptions stipulated in these Regulations, the FIFA Statutes or any other FIFA regulations.

Get your full copy: Regulations of the 2014 FIFA World Cup



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