Saturday, 26 July 2014

Kenya's Public University Fees

Public University Fees

(Issued under Article 35(3) of the Constitution)
Press Release
The Media have carried reports attributed to some stakeholders as expressing concern that the Government intends to increase University fees for students attending public universities.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology would like to state that it has not sanctioned any university fee increment for any public university. 
Reports about planned University fee increment are misleading and inaccurate. Any such increase must be initiated by University Councils, deliberated upon through a consultative process which should involve stakeholders and approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Science and Technology. Key stakeholders in this process include Parliament, Senate, Commission for University Education, Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service Board, University students’ leadership and parents.  No such process has been started to this effect.
The Universities Act, 2012 provides for the setting up of the Universities Fund. The Universities Funding Board is the one to determine, in consultation with the public universities, the maximum differentiated unit cost for the academic programmes offered in public Universities.
The Ministry wishes to clarify that Vice Chancellors of Public Universities have been working on a model of differentiated Unit cost for financing academic programmes in Public Universities especially through HELB. The Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions (KATTI) has also initiated a similar exercise to determine the cost of academic programmes under Technical, Vocation Education and Training (TVET) Institutions. The aim is to determine the actual cost of the each degree and diploma programme that Universities and tertiary institutions offer and accordingly peg the cost of each programme on the unit cost.  This process has not been completed.
The Government would like to allay the fears of stakeholders, and particularly University students about the purported increase.
In the spirit of inclusive consultations and in order to arrive at a decision on this matter, the Ministry has met the leadership of the National Universities Students’ Organization (NUSO) to inform them about the true position of the matter.  In this respect, all university students are requested not to participate in any disruptive activities especially at this time when many universities are having examinations.
DATE 19TH MAY, 2014
CC:           Chairmen of University Councils
                Vice-Chancellors all Public Universities
                Chairman, Commission for University Education

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