Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Nafasi nyingine kwa Wanafunzi wa PCB au CBG ambao Hawakuchaguliwa na TCU kwenye First round Application

                                               Tanzania Commission for  Universities

Public Notice to applicants who were not selected during the first round of application

During the first round of application a  big number of qualified applicants especially  with  PCB  and  CBG  combinations  were  not  selected  due  to competition  that  is,  there  were  many  applicants  in  a  particular programme  compared to admission capacity since most of them selected the same programs eg. Doctor of Medicine and Bachelor of Pharmacy.
Therefore  TCU  requested  universities  offering  Health  related programmes and other Science programmes to increase their admission capacities  in  order  to  accommodate  more  applicants  in  the  said programmes.
 In order to be fair the additional slots were configured into the System where another selection  was conducted for  those  applicants who  opted for  Health related and other Science programmes during the first round of application but could not be selected.
TCU  hereby  notifies  such  applicants  that  if  they  find  that  they  are selected in programmes they applied during the first round it is because of the additional slots.

Issued by Executive Secretary
17th September, 2014.

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