Tuesday, 21 October 2014

TCU Clarirification of Transfer Process for 2014/2015 Academic Year


The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) would like to clarify to all the prospective students who applied for transfer to various undergraduate programmes across institutions and the general public that the processing of all applications for transfer was done objectively based on the principle of equity. The following procedures and criteria were used in the process:

a) For medical related programmes, all applicants who already have been admitted into medical related programmes and have applied to be transferred to similar programmes in other institutions were not considered. This was done purposely to give access for applicants who qualify for admission into those programmes but could not be selected due to limited intake capacity of institutions.
b) For all programmes the cut off points were computed and according to available slots for each programme.
c) Final selection was based on the following four-levels criteria:
i) A-level points
ii) O-level points
iii) Gender
iv) Date and time of lodging application

Based on this clarification, any person who applied for transfer and does not appear in the transfer list, should wait for the final batch to be published late on 21st October, 2014. Those who are not found in the final batch should consider their application for transfer unsuccessful, and are therefore advised to report to the respective institutions they were originally selected.
Issued by

Executive Secretary
Tanzania Commission for Universities
21st October, 2014

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