Tuesday, 14 June 2016

The Citizen: No loan budget for Z'bar students, govt reveals

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In Summary

Instead, all students who apply for financial assistance from the Higher education Students Loans Board (HESLB) receive the money if they meet the set criteria regardless of where they are from.

Deputy minister in the President’s Office, Mr


By Citizen Reporter @TheCitizenTz 

The government does not set aside specific funds to issue as loan to students pursuing higher education from Zanzibar, the Parliament was told today.
Instead, all students who apply for financial assistance from the Higher education Students Loans Board (HESLB) receive the money if they meet the set criteria regardless of where they are from.
This was said by the deputy minister in the President’s Office, Mr Selemani Jaffo, when responding to a question from Muhammed Amour Muhammed (Bumbwini – CUF) who wanted to know the amount of money the Union government sets aside as loans to higher education students from Zanzibar.
Mr Jaffo noted that because higher education was a Union issue, all students who apply for the loans are treated equally.
“Loans are issued to students who have met the set conditions without looking at where they come from,” he said.
He further noted that even the loan application forms do not have a section which requires an applicant to state where students hail from because HESLB issue loans to all students in the country.

For more news get your copy of The Citizen read online through www.epaper.mcl.co.tz

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