Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Jinsi ya Kukata Rufaa Bodi ya Mkopo Tanzania/ How to Appeal to Higher Education Loan Board(HESLB)


                              APPEALS AGAINST AWARDED LOAN AMOUNTS
Applicants who are not satisfied with the Awarded Loan Amounts may appeal to the Board as stipulated in the HESLB Regulations of 2008 and as clarified below:-

All appellants must complete the relevant Online Appeal Forms, make a printout of the same and attach thereto the necessary supporting documents. The Online Loan Application System is accessible at
Appeal Fee (Tzs. 5,000 per appeal)
All appeals will attract a non-refundable fee of Tzs, 5,000 per appeal which should be paid using M-Pesa and the Transaction ID generated should be input into the Online System prior to printing the completed appeal form, otherwise the appeal will not be considered.

Routing of Appeals through Loan Officers at the institutions of study
Appeals must be routed through the Loan Officers at the respective Higher Education Institution who will collect all appeals from his/her respective institution and submit them under a covering letter to the Board. The Board will not accept any appeal that will be submitted directly by students to the Board.
Appeals must be submitted to the Board within 90 days, counting from the date of opening of the respective Higher Education Institution.


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1 comment:

  1. Utaratibu wa kuappeal kwa tuliokosa mkopo ukoje,tafadhari naomba kufahamishwa maana Hali ni ngumu sana chuoni,hatuna kitu
